Free yourself from wrinkles on the face

A feeling of silky-smooth skin through targeted relaxation of facial muscles

  • Prevent forehead & frown lines by relaxing stressed areas of the face

  • Maintain your natural facial expressions despite youthful skin

  • Feel younger as your frown lines & forehead wrinkles disappear

Strahlendes Gefühl durch die Behandlung mit Muskelrelaxans


2-4 days

Intervention duration

10-15 minutes

Visible effect

3-5 months

Recommended treatment



0 days

Pain (0-10)



from 140 €

Trees planted

Written & medically reviewed by:

Written & medically reviewed by:

When your cheerfulness is drawn on your face….

Does this sound familiar to you? You look in the mirror in the morning and see… Another new wrinkle! Laughter lines around your eyes, frown lines between your eyes or wrinkles on your forehead – someone can use that. But whether you’re prone to lively facial expressions or you’re a year older, sooner or later the first fine lines will form on your face. Lines become wrinkles. wrinkles to unwanted wrinkles. Even if you don’t want to hear it: first wrinkles form already in your early 20s! However, that doesn’t mean you have to accept them. Because the sooner you do something about it, the later deep furrows will form. Act in good time and prevent wrinkles from forming!

Good looks – important for private life & profession?

Imagine being able to maintain your natural smile – without any superfluous wrinkles. Because whether in private or professional life, the use of facial expressions and gestures is crucial to how you are perceived. From beauty cream to hyaluronic mask – everything is allowed to look young. You will be able to conceal superficial wrinkles with cosmetics, but with wrinkles you will soon reach your limits. But we offer you a simple alternative to get rid of it.

Faltenfrei durch die Injektion von Muskelrelaxans

“People are perceived to be younger and healthier after treatment with a muscle relaxant,” is the o-ton of several independent studies.

Relaxation for stressed facial muscles

Did you know that doctors have been successfully using certain muscle relaxants to treat movement disorders for decades? Since the 90s, it has also been used in aesthetics. This is because the treatment specifically relaxes highly stressed facial muscles so that mimic wrinkles are smoothed out. At the same time, we create an optical skin tightening. Unbelievable, but true: this even prevents new wrinkles from forming!

Your advantages of a treatment at GoAesthetic


We use a muscle relaxant without complex proteins, so that the effect after several treatment cycles is the same as the first time.


Preserving your natural facial expressions is our top priority.

Highly effective

We promise quick and long-lasting results – we treat small fine corrections free of charge for up to 2 weeks.


Our preparation from Merz has been on the market since 2005 and was previously clinically tested for many years (FDA approval).

Environmentally friendly

It is currently the only muscle relaxant that does not require refrigeration during transportation and storage – saving us huge amounts of CO2 compared to other products.

Muscle relaxant against wrinkles or against sweating – the way to get there is always the same:

  • Arrange appointment

    You can arrange your consultation online with just a few clicks.

  • Medical consultation

    We look at your affected facial areas together and discuss the treatment goals.

  • Photo documentation

    Say cheese – we take photos to have a comparison for your future treatment success.

  • Preparation

    Now it’s time to laugh, scowl and frown – the affected areas of the face are marked.

  • Treatment

    By injecting the muscle relaxant , we free you from your superfluous wrinkles.

Muscle relaxant cost at GoAesthetic

  • 1 region (forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet or frown lines)
    230 €
  • 2 regions
    320 €
  • 3 regions
    395 €
  • Brow Lift (eyebrow lift)
    230 €
  • Bunny lines
    140 € *
  • Chin wrinkles / strawberry chin
    140 € *
  • Drooping corners of the mouth
    140 € *
  • Masseter treatment (against teeth grinding)
    350 €
  • Lip flip upper lip
    260 €
  • Gummy Smile correction
    230 €
  • Hyperhidrosis therapy both armpits (against excessive sweating)
    590 €
  • Migraine therapy
    from 320 €
  • * In combination with another muscle relaxant treatment, the treatment is €50 cheaper.

Important info about treatment with a muscle relaxant:

Faltenfreie Schönheit durch Muskelrelaxantien für Mann und Frau

What do you have to keep in mind during treatment?

Before treatment:

  • Combination with other treatments possible (e.g. hyaluronic acid injections).

  • Blood-thinning medication should be discontinued (but please note: consult your family doctor or us beforehand).

  • We do not carry out treatment with muscle relaxants during pregnancy or breastfeeding – there are more important things than individual wrinkles at that time.

After treatment:

  • Make-up and other products can be applied immediately.

  • No sport on the same day – triathlon or Iron Man will have to wait a few days.

  • No massages or cosmetic treatments on the face for the next few days.

  • 3 – 5 days break for sun worshippers (solarium) and sauna users.

Any questions? Our FAQ section cannot replace a consultation, but it should give you some initial guidance.

Do you have wrinkles on your forehead, between your eyebrows or around your eyes? Then we can easily smooth them out. On the other hand, if you have long-standing expression lines, you should consider combining them with other wrinkle smoothing methods. Hey, hyaluronic acid fillers are a perfect complement. If you are unsure, we will be happy to advise you on possible combinations.

No long-term undesirable side effects are known with the Merz muscle relaxant. The active ingredient is completely broken down by your body after some time. You may experience minor swelling or bruising after the treatment, but this will disappear again after a short time.

You will see the result within 2 – 3 days – with other preparations it takes between 4 – 7 days. You will see the maximum effect after about 10 days. Depending on how pronounced your wrinkles were in the treated area, the effect lasts for about 4 months.

Through targeted application, we can optimally treat the desired region with the appropriate quantity. This way, you keep a natural facial expression – without it looking mask-like or rigid. Of course, if you always want the maximum dose every 2-3 months, your wrinkles will be gone, but so will probably be your natural laugh! Both are possible – your choice.

By regularly injecting a muscle relaxant, your body can form antibodies against it. This reduces or completely eliminates the effect. The solution against it: From the 1st treatment, use the purest preparation with the lowest percentage of foreign proteins. We use the Merz preparation with the lowest proportion of foreign proteins.

If products are injected frequently, your immune system can react to the foreign proteins by producing antibodies. If we now treat your face areas with it, these neutralizing antibodies can completely cancel the effect. The result: no effect and your wrinkles remain. That’s why at GoAesthetic we use the muscle relaxant with the lowest amount of foreign proteins. This minimizes the risk that your treatment will not work.

More questions? Simply make a personal consultation appointment online.