Ultherapy®: Your revolutionary facelift for firmer skin – without surgery in Vienna

Hollywood stars swear by it – and now you too can benefit from this innovative technology: With Ultherapy®, we offer you an innovative method in Vienna to tighten your skin and make it look younger – completely without a scalpel or needles. The non-invasive treatment strengthens your connective tissue, smoothes your skin and gives you a fresh, natural look.

  • Gentle & safe: With Ultherapy® we achieve a deep lifting effect without making incisions in your skin.

  • Mature technology: Ultherapy® is the only approved ultrasound system for non-surgical skin tightening with clinically proven effectiveness.


Intervention duration

45 – 90 minutes


1-4 months

Visible effect

8-18 months

Recommended treatments



0-1 days

Pain (0-10)


Trees planted

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From Head of Cosmetics:

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Ultherapy® at GoAesthetic in Vienna –
The gentle way to youthful skin without surgery

When our skin wrinkles and begins to sag, the real drama takes place beneath the surface: Connective tissue structures that were stretched like a tight net in our youth wear out, become loose and full of holes.

This is exactly where Ultherapy® comes in. What is behind it? Ultherapy® is a non-invasive lifting method that works with high-intensity focused ultrasound – HIFU for short. This is an ultrasound technique that tightens your connective tissue in a completely natural way without affecting the overlying layers of skin. You can find out more about this in our guide to HIFU treatment.

Ultherapy® and DeepSEE® technology

At our institute in Vienna, we exclusively use the innovative Ultherapy® technology for HIFU treatments. This is because Ultherapy® has a decisive advantage over other HIFU systems: real-time visualization. This means that the device emits ultrasound waves for treatment and image generation in parallel. Just like an ultrasound in a radiology institute.

Thanks to this patented DeepSEE® technology, we can work on sight and direct the ultrasound energy specifically to the tissue layers where it is to have its effect. This results in better effects and fewer side effects.

Ultherapy Awards

“Numerous clinical studies and international beauty awards prove the effectiveness and safety of Ultherapy®. This is a big difference to other replica systems for which there is no such evidence.” Dr. Peter Herndlhofer.

How does HIFU treatment with Ultherapy®
work at GoAesthetic?

During Ultherapy® treatment, the ultrasound device directs bundled energy impulses into the connective tissue. The target is the collagen fibers, which lose quality with increasing age. The energy is released there in a controlled manner and provides a short-term, localized heat impulse.

This pulse damages “old” collagen, which triggers the body’s own intensive repair program: Over the course of the next few months, your body begins to build up new and firmer collagen and elastin fibers.

This strengthens the structure of the connective tissue in the long term and previously sagging areas of skin begin to firm up again. Because the build-up of new collagen takes time, you should only expect the final result after 3 – 4 months.

What distinguishes Ultherapy® from other
skin tightening procedures?

Ultherapy® is a non-invasive treatment: unlike a surgical facelift, we do not make any incisions in the skin, so there are no scars, hardly any pain and no downtime.

Compared to laser or radiofrequency treatments, Ultherapy® has a decisive difference: the ultrasound energy penetrates your skin completely harmlessly and almost painlessly. A highly precise heat impulse is only released in the actual target region – the deep connective tissue layer that connects your skin to the muscles.
The result: new collagen is formed.

Unlike other skin tightening procedures, Ultherapy® rejuvenates the skin from the inside out. The treatment has a deep tightening effect, but is also gentle and safe.

Your advantages with Ultherapy® at GoAesthetic


No surgery, no injections – and thanks to targeted heat, you feel very little.


In contrast to other providers, some of which are not approved, Ultherapy® is the only device whose effectiveness has been proven by numerous studies in recent years.


Ultherapy® has been approved by American and European health authorities for non-invasive skin tightening.


The highly focused ultrasound stimulates the body’s self-healing powers and your own collagen production – your facial expressions and features remain unaffected.

What does the Ultherapy® treatment process at GoAesthetic look like?

  • Appointment

    Simply make an appointment online for treatment or a medical consultation. It’s quick and easy online – you can immediately see all available appointments in our calendar. Or you can simply give us a call.

  • Consultation

    On site, we will discuss in detail what you expect from the treatment and whether Ultherapy® is the right choice. If necessary, we recommend additional treatments to create synergy effects in order to achieve an even better tightening of the face and sagging cheeks – because optimal results always require an individual approach.

  • Treatment

    You should bring some time with you on the day of the treatment. We start by thoroughly cleaning your skin and disinfecting all areas. This is followed by an ultrasound gel, as you are familiar with from “normal” ultrasound examinations. Now the actual treatment begins, during which the device directs bundled energy pulses into the connective tissue. Depending on the treatment area, the treatment takes around 30 to 90 minutes. You may feel a slight discomfort in some areas, sometimes a little pinching, but all in all the treatment is relatively painless.

  • Result

    You may notice an initial, slight tightening effect immediately after the treatment. However, the greatest effect comes much later. This is because the build-up of new collagen takes time, so you should only expect the final result after 3 – 4 months.

Cost of an Ultherapy® treatment in Vienna at GoAesthetic

The cost of an Ultherapy® facelift treatment starts at €390, but depends on the size of the area to be treated. Cost transparency is important to us. That’s why you can find all the exact prices for the respective facial areas here. All costs are included. The costs seem rather high compared to other medical skin tightening procedures, but the advantage of Ultherapy® is that you usually only need 1 treatment.

  • Midface + chin line (sagging cheeks)
    990 €
  • Midface + chin line + double chin
    1290 €
  • Eyes (drooping eyelids)
    390 €
  • Bags under the eyes
    390 €
  • Chin line (sagging cheeks)
    550 €
  • Double chin
    550 €
  • Cleavage
    750 €
  • Neck
    750 €
  • Arms complete
    1490 €
  • Face + neck
    1990 €
Ultherapy® Erfahrungen

What do you need to consider during an Ultherapy® treatment?

Before treatment:

  • No Ultherapy® treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • Acute skin diseases, inflammations, infections in the treatment area or autoimmune diseases are also grounds for exclusion.

  • If a pacemaker or mechanical implants are present in the treatment area, Ultherapy® treatment must not be performed (dental implants are fine).

After treatment:

  • Redness or slight swelling may occur immediately after the treatment, but will pass quickly – apply a cooling bag if necessary.

  • Avoid sport, sauna, solarium and other facial treatments for 1 – 2 days.

  • You can wash, shower and apply make-up as normal. But be gentle with your face.

Questions about Ultherapy®? Our FAQ section is not a substitute for advice, but it does provide guidance.

HIFU stands for “high-intensity focused ultrasound” and describes the method. Ultherapy®, on the other hand, refers to the device that we use at our institute. The Ultherapy® system is currently regarded as the gold standard for HIFU treatments – partly because it allows us to work at a glance thanks to real-time visualization. And it is the device for which there are the most medical studies on effectiveness. There is absolutely no data and no approval for many other inexpensive HIFU devices. With Ultherapy® you can rely on medically proven effectiveness and safety.

The cost of an Ultherapy® treatment starts at €390. It depends on the size of the facial area to be treated. Cost transparency is important to us, which is why you can find all the exact costs here on our homepage.

Ultherapy® primarily tightens the connective tissue. As a result, sagging skin becomes firmer again and the face can look a little slimmer. However, reducing fat is not the actual aim of Ultherapy® treatment. If you want this effect, we can combine Ultherapy® with other treatments: For example, with radiofrequency microneedling to specifically reduce fat deposits.

It is generally advisable to repeat the treatment regularly – approximately every 12-18 months – to maintain the effect. Depending on the initial findings, a combination with other collagen-stimulating treatments such as microneedling can help you achieve even better results. We will be happy to advise you.

More questions? Then simply make a personal consultation appointment online.


Last update: 24.09.2024