Skin types and skin conditions

Every skin is unique. Whether dry, oily, sensitive or a mixture of all. Every skin type is different and needs individual care. But what skin type are you? Here we want to give you a brief overview of the different skin conditions and skin types.

  • Depending on the classification, 4-5 skin types can be distinguished: Normal, dry, oily, sensitive, combination skin.

  • Depending on your skin type and skin condition, your skin has different needs, so cleansing and care should be adapted accordingly.

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Skin types and skin conditions: simply explained!

At around 1.8m², our skin is the largest human organ and also one of your most important protective shields against external influences. The classification of skin types is based on sebum production and the skin’s moisture content. We can distinguish between 5 different skin types : Normal, dry, oily, sensitive and combination skin.

Skin conditions, on the other hand, refer to temporary or chronic conditions such as mature, blemished or dehydrated skin. These conditions can be triggered or exacerbated by internal factors such as hormones and stress or external influences such as the environment and skincare products.

Important: Every skin type has different needs. A sound understanding of these differences is important in order to find the optimal care for your skin.

  • Normal skin

    Healthy, normal skin appears rosy and soft with small, fine pores. This skin type has neither dry nor oily areas, including the classic T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). It therefore appears matt and even. It has no scaly or inflamed skin areas and is rarely prone to blemishes or irritation. It has a balanced ratio of moisture and sebum production, which makes it particularly resistant and easy to care for.

  • Dry skin

    Tight, itchy or flaky skin are three common symptoms of dry skin. Regular care with moisturizing products is particularly important here to prevent your skin from drying out further. The difference to dehydrated skin is also important. You can find out more about this in the guide to dry skin.

  • Oily skin

    Oily shine, enlarged pores and spots? These are typical characteristics of oily skin. This is usually due to excessive production of sebum. This skin type is more common at a young age than at an advanced age. Find out more about the right care for oily skin in the guide to oily skin.

  • Combination skin

    Do you have both dry and oily skin on your face? This is known as combination skin. The forehead, nose and chin tend to look oily, while the cheeks and eye area tend to be dry. You can find out how to care for this complex skin type and much more in our guide to combination skin.

  • Sensitive skin

    Sensitive skin is not a skin type per se, but falls under the category of “skin conditions”. Redness, blisters and an itchy feeling can be the first signs. Sometimes real skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, acne or contact allergies are hidden behind it. The differences in sensitive skin are large, which makes diagnosis and classification difficult. You can find out more about this in the guide to sensitive skin.

  • Blemishes

    Blackheads, pimples and reddened skin are annoying companions at a young age. However, they may stay longer than you think. A good cleaning and care routine is important to get rid of the pests. However, other factors also play an important role in its development. You can find out more about this in the guide to blemished skin.

  • Mature skin

    When is skin considered mature? The definition is fluid, as the skin’s elasticity begins to diminish from the age of 25 and wrinkles and pigmentation spots soon become visible in the form of the first signs of mature skin. You can find out more in the guide to mature skin.

  • Dehydrated skin

    Unlike dry skin, dehydrated skin is not a skin type, but a temporary condition. Did you know that oily skin can also be dehydrated? The differences often lie in the details and are all the more important when it comes to care. You can find out more about this in the guide to dehydrated skin.

  • Young skin

    In medicine, we refer to skin between the ages of 12 and 18 as young skin. Due to hormonal changes, she may be prone to oily shine and acne. Young skin is particularly resistant and capable of regeneration. Important: Young skin can be both oily and dry.

What skin type do I have?

Just as with cleansing, you should also balance the very different needs of your skin when it comes to care. The best way to achieve this is to combine two different skincare products that suit your skin type:

  • Dry skin areas need richer care with moisturizing active ingredients to support the skin barrier.
  • Oily skin does not need additional oil, but it does need moisture. So don’t just skip the moisturizer, but use a product with the label “non-comedogenic”. This means that it does not promote skin blemishes.

You have two options for application: You can either layer the two care products on top of each other or apply them separately. If you opt for the first option, first apply the moisturizer all over your face and allow it to absorb. Then apply a moisturizing face cream to the dry cheek and eye area. Alternatively, simply apply the two products separately.

In general, you should always keep a close eye on your skin and adjust your skincare routine if the condition of your skin changes. Bear in mind that your combination skin may tend to be oily in summer and dry in winter.

You can also find more skincare tips in our guides on dry skin and oily skin.


Last updated: 04.06.2024