Eyebrow lifting (Brow Lifting) in Vienna

Turn tired looks into sparkling moments. With the innovative Botox brow lift at our institute in Vienna, we can help you achieve an effective eyebrow lift with no downtime compared to surgery or a thread lift.

  • Optimal contour: Emphasizes and defines the natural shape of your eyebrows.

  • Youthful radiance: Corrects the first signs of ageing when the skin above the eyes sags and impairs your gaze.

  • A fresh look: Lifting the brows makes the eyes appear more awake and fresh and gives you a youthful look.

Augenbrauenlifting durch Botox in Wien


2-4 days

Intervention duration

10-15 minutes

Visible effect

3-4 months

Recommended treatment



0 days

Pain (0-10)


Trees planted

Written & medically reviewed by:

Written & medically reviewed by:

Eyebrow lift at GoAesthetic in Vienna –
a widespread and popular beauty trend

Can you feel it? This need to give your look more expression and freshness? You are not alone! Eyebrow lifting has established itself as one of the most popular beauty trends in Vienna. Many opt for this procedure to restore a youthful contour to the face or to counteract the first signs of ageing such as drooping eyelids. Discover how you too can benefit from this natural and effective trend.

What is an eyebrow lift?

An eyebrow lift with Botox aims to gently lift the eyebrow area. Botulinum toxin, or Botox for short, is used to relax certain muscles in a targeted manner. The result: a fresher and more alert look without surgery. The eyebrow lift is a minimally invasive procedure, offers quick results and is particularly popular due to its naturalness and effectiveness.

What is the difference between brow lifting
and eyebrow lifting?

“Brow lifting” and “eyebrow lifting” sound similar at first, but have different approaches and results. Brow lifting is primarily about cosmetically enhancing the brows: Special gels or creams are used to shape and hold the eyebrow hairs in place, achieving an immediate but short-lived effect. Eyebrow lamination works in a similar way. Eyebrow lifting with Botox, on the other hand, offers a medical solution for results that last for months. Targeted relaxation of certain muscle groups creates a natural, lifted look that lasts well into the day. Both methods therefore combine aesthetics, but an eyebrow lift lasts significantly longer. By the way: Both terms are often used interchangeably – don’t let this confuse you.

Brow Lift Wien

“An eyebrow lift with Botox is an effective and gentle method of improving the appearance of the eyebrows. It can also correct slight drooping eyelids and thus possibly delay the need for eyelid surgery.”Dr. Peter Herndlhofer

How does the eyebrow lift work?

One key to a rejuvenated gaze often lies in the targeted relaxation of the orbicularis oculi muscle. The muscle responsible for squinting the eyes. During an eyebrow lift, Botox is injected directly into a specific region of this muscle. This relaxes the muscle in a targeted manner, gently lifting the eyebrows. Important to emphasize: The injection does not affect normal facial expressions or the ability to close the eyes completely. Your face retains its natural expressiveness while gaining a fresher, more open appearance. The process is minimally invasive and you can resume your everyday life immediately after the treatment.

When are the results of the eyebrow lift visible?

You can expect the first visible effects of the eyebrow lift after 3 to 5 days – this is when the Botox starts to take effect. However, the full eyebrow lift only takes effect after around 10 to 14 days. Best of all, this refreshed, awake look lasts up to 4 months. And while you wait for the full effect, you can continue to apply make-up as normal and go about your everyday life without any restrictions.

What distinguishes Brow Lifting from other skin rejuvenation procedures?

Brow lifting with Botox literally stands out from other procedures. While with many skin rejuvenation methods we aim for a comprehensive treatment of the face, the eyebrow lift specifically targets the eyebrow area for a fresher and more open look. This specific focus allows us to achieve visible results without affecting the entire face. Short treatment, no downtime and a natural look. Who says you have to suffer for beauty? Definitely not here!

Your advantages of an eyebrow lifting at GoAesthetic


Brow lift with Botox: Less risk & no downtime compared to surgery or thread lifts.

Highly effective

Younger appearance by reducing visible signs of ageing in the brow area.


No “over-lifted” look – the results are natural and authentic.


We use a Botox without complex proteins, so that the effect after several treatments is the same as the first time.

Eyebrow lift procedure at GoAesthetic

  • Arrange appointment

    Simply make an appointment for “wrinkle treatment with Botox” – even if you only want a brow lift. If you are unsure, book a medical consultation.

  • Medical consultation

    We will discuss together whether an eyebrow lift with Botox meets your wishes and is sufficient. Because it is important to have realistic expectations.

  • Preparation

    We mark the facial areas so that the muscle groups can then be specifically relaxed.

  • Treatment

    We lift your eyebrows by injecting Botox. However, you will only see the effect days later.

Eyebrow lift costs at GoAesthetic in Vienna

  • Eyebrow lift with Botox
    230 €
  • Eyebrow lift + crow’s feet or frown lines
    320 €
  • Eyebrow lift + Botox for frown lines & crow’s feet
    395 €

Important information about eyebrow lifting with Botox®:

Brow Lifting Wien

What do you need to consider when eyebrow lifting (brow lifting)?

Before treatment:

  • Blood-thinning medication should be discontinued (consult your family doctor or us beforehand).

  • We do not carry out Botox treatment during pregnancy or breastfeeding – there are more important things to do at this time than individual wrinkles.

After treatment:

  • Make-up and other products can be applied immediately.

  • No sport on the same day.

  • No facial massages for the next 2 weeks.

Questions about the eyebrow lift? Our FAQ section is no substitute for a consultation, but it does provide some initial guidance.

During an eyebrow lift, we inject your lateral eye area with small amounts of Botox, which results in a subtle lift of your eyebrows. The whole process takes just a few minutes and is barely noticeable.

The effect after an eyebrow lift starts after 1 week and lasts for about 3-4 months. The duration of effect is the same for all treatments with Botox, regardless of whether gummy smile correction, frown lines or bunny lines.

An eyebrow lift without surgery is ideal for people who want to give their eyes more clarity and freshness. Whether you have already crossed the 40s threshold and have noticed the first signs of sagging skin above your eyes or you are in your mid-20s and simply want to subtly optimize your eyebrow contour. But beware: realistic expectations before treatment are extremely important. Of course, this treatment cannot replace drooping eyelid surgery or other surgical procedures to lift the eyebrows. If you are unsure whether a Botox treatment is sufficient for you, simply make an appointment for a consultation.

The eyebrow lift costs €95 per treatment. One treatment lasts 3-4 months. This means that with 3 treatments per year you have an almost continuous lifting effect on your eyebrows – that’s the equivalent of €285 for the whole year.

Just like with the Masseter Botox, you can wash your eyebrows immediately after the eyebrow lift. However, you should avoid excessive manipulation. This means: No cosmetic treatments such as microneedling, microblading, permanent make-up or laser treatments for the next 14 days.

More questions? Simply make a personal consultation appointment online.


  • The quantitative effect of botulinum toxin A over brow height. Pubmed, online: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23851789, accessed 10.10.2023.
  • S1 Guideline Aesthetic Botulinum Toxin Therapy, AWMF, online: https://register.awmf.org/de/leitlinien/detail/013-077, accessed 10.10.2023.
  • Botulinum toxin, DocCheck Flexikon, online: https://flexikon.doccheck.com/de/Botulinumtoxin, retrieved 10.10.2023.
  • Are There Differences Between Intradermal and Intramuscular Injections of Botulinum Toxin on the Forehead? Dermatologic Surgery, online: https://journals.lww.com/dermatologicsurgery/abstract/2020/12000/are_there_differences_between_intradermal_and.14.aspx, accessed 10.10.2023.

Last update: 10/21/2023