Vampire Lifting in Vienna: PRP therapy for radiant skin

Thanks to the power of your own blood plasma, the first signs of ageing fade in just a few days with a vampire lift.

  • Skin tightening from the face to the décolleté for a younger appearance

  • Pure nature – your own beauty booster without additives

  • Accelerates the self-healing powers for a healthy skin feeling

Vampir Lifting für jung und alt



Intervention duration

40-60 minutes

Visible effect

4-6 months

Recommended treatment



1-3 days

Pain (0-10)



from 390€

Trees planted

Written & medically reviewed by:

Written & medically reviewed by:

Vampire Lifting in Vienna: The natural anti-aging therapy

Shine like the stars in Hollywood. Without surgery, without any additives – virtually completely natural. But how is that supposed to work? US stars like Gisele Bündchen and Kim Kardashian revealed one of their beauty tricks years ago. We took a look at what’s behind it and show you how you can look younger naturally.

It’s called a vampire lift. Sounds scary, maybe it is. But the amazing thing: The effects of a vampire lift are quickly visible and medically proven. This is because the principle has been used in medicine for years – whether for joint diseases or after operations to accelerate wound healing. See for yourself.

What is a vampire lift?

A vampire lift is a medical procedure that is also known as PRP therapy. It is a non-surgical method of skin rejuvenation and wrinkle reduction using the patient’s own blood plasma. This special plasma contains growth factors and other nutrients that are important for collagen production and the regeneration of skin and hair cells. In vampire lifting, plasma is injected or microneedled under the skin to reduce wrinkles and tighten the skin.

Das Vampir Lifting verhilft dir zu natürlichem Glanz

“US stars like Gisele Bündchen and Kim Kardashian are convinced of it – natural skin rejuvenation by means of vampire lifting. In Vienna, too, PRP treatment is becoming more popular every year.” – Dr. Herndlhofer

How does the vampire lift work

Autologous blood rejuvenates and promotes healing. Provocative statement? Maybe. But medical experts found out more than 15 years ago that wound healing factors and platelets in the blood play an essential role in healing. This so-called blood plasma is the body’s own miracle cure for vampire lifting, which rejuvenates your skin from the inside out and smoothes fine skin and lip wrinkles. Completely without additives. How does the vampire lift work at GoAesthetic? First, blood is taken, then processed in a special device and then applied to the skin using microneedling.

When is the result of the vampire lift visible?

After the redness has subsided, you will immediately notice a difference as your skin feels softer and smoother. However, it is important to note that in order to really benefit from Vampire Lifting, 2-3 repetitions are necessary. Fine wrinkles in particular only disappear after several treatments.

How often should the treatment be repeated?

As you already know, you will achieve the greatest effect by repeating the treatment several times. Experience has shown that you will feel a slight difference after the first vampire lift, but you should perform the treatment 3-4 times in total for a longer-lasting effect. If you want to achieve rapid anti-ageing effects after a short time, you have to go under the knife. Because without surgery, the age clock cannot be turned back 10 years with any gentle, medical treatment. If you want a naturally younger appearance and to slow down the ageing of your skin a little – without surgery or Botox, but just through the power of your own body – then a vampire lift is the right treatment for you.

Why should you come to us for a vampire lift in Vienna


The Arthrex system for blood collection and processing produces the highest blood plasma concentrationscompared to the competition. The higher the concentration, the better your effect.

Highly effective

The use of the DermaPen with over 1800 microchannels per second guarantees a better introduction of the blood plasma than ordinary procedures.


High hygienic safety standard for the preparation of blood plasma through Arthrex – a leading medical technology company from Germany based in the USA.

Environmentally friendly

Lasting effect for you and our nature – more than 7 trees are planted per treatment.

Procedure of the vampire lift at GoAesthetic

  • Blood draw

    At the beginning, a blood sample is taken from the arm vein using a special blood collection system from Arthrex. Compared to a normal blood draw at your primary care physician, you won’t notice a difference.

  • Blood preparation

    The blood is then processed with a centrifuge so that the blood plasma separates from the remaining components of the blood. After 10 minutes, the preparation is ready.

  • Treatment

    Now we gently guide the DermaPen over your skin. Here, the pen creates countless micro-channels per second that bring blood plasma to your skin layers. Barely noticeable, but highly effective, so no numbing ointment is needed.

  • Moisturizing mask

    Finally, you’ll get a restorative hydrating mask.

  • Result

    Immediately after the treatment you will notice the first freshness effects. Any slight redness disappears after a few hours.

Cost of a vampire lift at GoAesthetic in Vienna

  • Vampire lifting face
    390 €
  • Vampire Lift Face & Neck
    490 €
  • Vampire Lift Face, Neck & Décolleté
    540 €

Important info about vampire lifting in Vienna

Natürlich jung durch das Vampir Lifting

What do you have to keep in mind when doing a vampire lift?

Before treatment:

  • No active inflammation in the treated area (e.g. acne, cold sores). If you are prone to cold sores, we recommend prophylactic medication two days before the treatment.

After treatment:

  • No sports on the day of treatment.

  • No scratching or pressing of the treated skin.

  • No massages or cosmetic treatments on the face for 2 days.

  • Avoid strong, direct sun exposure as well as tanning beds for 3-5 days.

  • For 5 days, be sure to apply sunscreen with SPF 30 outdoors.

  • No steam bath and sauna visits for 1 week.

Any questions? Our FAQ section cannot replace a consultation, but it should give you some initial guidance.

Repeating the treatment several times will notice a significant smoothing of the skin. This is because the vampire lift makes use of several skin rejuvenating effects. On the one hand, microneedling stimulates collagen formation, which makes the skin firmer and more even. On the other hand, wound healing factors and blood platelets are injected into the skin to stimulate cell renewal and make the skin smoother.

With a vampire lift, you can rejuvenate your skin under your own steam by processing your extracted blood and reintroducing it into the skin without any additives or other substances. Then your body will do the rest on its own. The natural substances in the blood visibly improve your skin – whether on the face, décolleté or hands.

The Vampire Lift with the Dermapen 4™ costs €390 at GoAesthetic.

No, the treatment is completely harmless if hygiene is observed. Thanks to Arthrex’s unique system, the blood is always in the tube after collection and is not touched by us. Thus it comes to none Contamination. On the other hand, with cheaper methods, the blood has to be injected from one tube into the other with a syringe after the sample has been taken, which is why there is of course a potential risk here.

Similar to sunburn, redness is possible on the treated area. However, these are usually gone by the next day. With repeated applications, deeper layers of the skin can be treated if desired, so that both the result is better, but also the redness becomes stronger. We will be happy to inform you about it on site.

With the special double syringe from Arthrex, blood can be drawn particularly hygienically and then centrifuged. This way, no blood is lost or contaminated. Two advantages that other systems usually do not have. And important to know: The blood sample is taken with the same needle as at the GP. So you won’t notice any difference. By the way: Orthopedists use the same system when injecting blood plasma into joints – there it is especially important to work cleanly because of the risk of infection!

With nearly 2000 microchannels per second, it manages far more than other devices or conventional injections. The more channels, the better the effect. Because that way your blood gets to the different layers of your skin better.

More questions about the Vampire Lift? Simply make a personal consultation appointment online.


Last update: 22.09.2023.