Microneedling with Dermapen 4™ in Vienna

Once an insider tip, now popular in Vienna at GoAesthetic: Microneedling is a professional beauty treatment that stars from Austria and Hollywood beauties swear by. Tighter and fresher-looking skin is visible after just a few microneedling treatments. Microneedling is versatile and can also be used to effectively reduce old acne scars and stretch marks. Microneedling treatments at our institute in Vienna are performed exclusively by qualified specialists using the Dermapen 4™, one of the world’s leading medical microneedling pens.

  • Microneedling treatments are particularly recommended for the first signs of skin ageing.

  • Ideal for tightening the skin in the neck and décolleté area for a younger appearance and improved skin texture.

  • Combination of microneedling and mesotherapy for a unique beauty experience and a maximum WOW experience.

Microneedling verbessert spürbar dein Hautbild



Intervention duration

60-75 minutes

Visible effect

4-12 months

Recommended treatment



1-3 days

Pain (0-10)



from 225 €

Trees planted

From Head of Cosmetics:

From Head of Cosmetics:

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Microneedling: The beauty treatment in Vienna at GoAesthetic

Microneedling has now established itself as an innovative, low-pain anti-ageing treatment and is far more than just a Hollywood trend. This is a non-invasive beauty treatment that ensures visibly younger and firmer skin without surgical intervention. A microneedling treatment can improve a variety of aesthetic skin problems. Stars like Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow as well as numerous celebrities in Vienna swear by it. Microneedling gives the skin a fresh appearance full of elasticity and can be a gentle and effective alternative to Botox for smoothing fine wrinkles.

Microneedling treatment: procedure and effect

In microneedling , wafer-thin needles gently penetrate the top layer of skin (epidermis) to stimulate the body’s own reaction. The subsequent healing process activates the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid – key components for firm connective tissue. Collagen improves the firmness of the skin, elastin increases elasticity and hyaluronic acid provides sufficient moisture. At our institute in Vienna, we only use the Dermapen 4™ for microneedling treatments. Developed and manufactured in Australia, the Dermapen 4™ has won numerous beauty awards in recent years, and not without good reason. With the patented AOVN™ technology (Advanced Oscillating Vertical Needle), the Dermapen 4™ has an electronic system of pulsating needles that improves the absorption of active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid. With almost 2,000 microchannels generated per second, it achieves far more than conventional devices. The more channels, the better the effect. We also adjust the needling depth (between 0.5 and 3 mm) to your facial region during the treatment. At GoAesthetic, we combine the unique features of the Dermapen 4™ with established medical treatment protocols. For example: To smooth scars more effectively, we supplement microneedling with an additional TCA peel. So rewrite the history of your skin and decide now for microneedling at GoAesthetic and make an appointment.

Falten mit Microneedling bei GoAesthetic effektiv glätten

“Microneedling with medical treatment protocols are innovative anti-aging treatments that improve myriad skin problems such as stretch marks, acne, scars and fine lines. Medical microneedling is thus more than just cosmetics.” Dr. Peter Herndlhofer

Microneedling: Areas of application

At GoAesthetic in Vienna, we can treat your skin with microneedling in 3 different ways:

  • Medical microneedling treatment

    Medical microneedling is particularly suitable for smoothing acne scars or reducing fine facial wrinkles or pigmentation spots. Medical needling is also the right choice for skin problems such as acne, scars or stretch marks in combination with peelings. Due to the greater needling depth (up to 3 mm), the skin reacts immediately to the microneedling treatment with redness and sometimes punctiform bleeding. The redness usually remains visible for 1-3 days.

  • Microneedling treatment with autologous blood (PRP or vampire lifting)

    Another effective anti-ageing treatment that only works with the body’s own growth and wound healing factors is the so-called vampire lifting. This is an effective medical anti-aging procedure for smoothing the skin and improving its appearance. The treatment is also known as PRP therapy, where PRP stands for “platelet rich plasma”. Several studies have proven the effectiveness of PRP in promoting wound healing. PRP has also been used for years in the treatment of joint degeneration. The benefit for you: If you want to do without additional serums and ingredients and want to rejuvenate your skin naturally with maximum effect, then a vampire lift is perfect.

  • Morpheus8: The radiofrequency needling treatment

    Another way to effectively improve the appearance of the skin is Morpheus8a revolutionary treatment that combines the benefits of microneedling with radiofrequency therapy. Radiofrequency energy is released during the microneedling treatment, which improves the skin structure in the long term by increasing the formation of new collagen. The advantage for you: The perfect combination of microneedling and radiofrequency ensures long-lasting effects.

Important: Not sure which procedure is right for you? No problem! Arrange a medical consultation now. We will be happy to help you find a treatment that is tailored to your needs and skin.

When is microneedling not recommended?

There are certain circumstances in which microneedling may not be the ideal choice. If you have active skin infections, open wounds or serious skin conditions, we recommend waiting until your skin has healed before undergoing a microneedling treatment. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, please consult us, as not all treatments can be carried out. Please also inform us in advance if you are taking blood thinners or certain acne medications such as Ciscutan. For an optimal effect, an average of 4-8 microneedling treatments with an interval of 4-6 weeks between treatments is recommended. If you want to see quick anti-ageing effects, injections with hyaluronic acid may be the better choice. We will be happy to advise you on site and clarify whether microneedling is suitable for you.

Can you do microneedling at home?

Microneedling at home is possible in principle, but involves risks and is not recommended from a medical point of view. Nowadays, it is easy and affordable to buy cosmetic dermarollers or dermapens online. Some inexpensive devices even have similar-sounding names to well-known medical microneedling pens. However, such devices are often of inferior quality, with, for example, shorter needles that cannot penetrate deep enough into the skin, or a weaker motor that creates fewer stitch channels. The result: less or no effect at all. Likewise, hygiene requirements cannot usually be met at home, which is why the risk of inflammation and infection is higher. The skin is susceptible to pathogens and germs due to the micro-injuries. And did you know: Studies have now proven that improper use of a dermaroller can result in fine scars. That’s why at GoAesthetic we only use the electric DermaPen 4, which creates around 2000 puncture channels per second up to 3 mm deep into the skin. This allows all serums such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins and antioxidants to penetrate deeper into the skin. We therefore recommend leaving microneedling to trained specialists in order to achieve the best possible result.

Your reasons for a Microneedling in Vienna at GoAesthetic


Included special serums consisting of hyaluronic acid, antioxidants and vitamins.

Highly effective

Use of the Dermapen 4™ for wrinkle-free skin compared to conventional microneedling devices.


Reduction of acne scars, stretch marks to improve the appearance of the skin.


High safety standard thanks to DermapenWorld – the first company to establish electronic microneedling over 20 years ago.

What experiences our customers have had

Curious? Here you will find a selection of reviews and experiences that our patients have had with us.

Procedure of a microneedling treatment at GoAesthetic

  • Preparation

    At the beginning, a medical cleansing and disinfection is performed for an optimal preparation of your skin.

  • Treatment

    Before the treatment, we apply an anesthetic cream and after sufficient exposure time, microneedling begins using Dermapen 4™. Here, the pen generates over 1800 microchannels per second.

  • Revitalization

    Now your skin is ready for more energy. Special serums with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and antioxidants are applied to your skin to give it an extra glow in the coming weeks.

  • Aftercare

    Finally, you’ll get a restorative hydrating mask.

  • Result

    Immediately after the treatment, your skin will glow rosier & fresher. Any redness disappears after a short time.

What skin types can be treated with microneedling?

Microneedling treatment is a natural anti-ageing solution that effectively combats typical signs of ageing such as facial wrinkles (e.g. crow’s feet or lip wrinkles). At GoAesthetic, microneedling can be used to treat all skin types. Whether sensitive, oily or dry skin. We can improve a wide variety of skin problems. Microneedling treatments can also effectively help with stretch marks, acne scars and pigmentation disorders such as pigmentation spots. Important: The treatment protocol and the needling depth of the device are adjusted depending on the desired treatment and individual skin condition. We can achieve the following improvements:

  • Smoothing fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce (acne) scars
  • Minimize pores and acne
  • Refinement of uneven skin tones (such as: pigment spots).
  • Reduction of facial redness
  • Smoothing stretch marks and stretch marks

Microneedling costs with the Dermapen™ at GoAesthetic Vienna

  • Medical microneedling face
    225 €
  • Microneedling with autologous blood (vampire lifting)
    390 €
  • Morpheus8 - Radiofrequency facial needling
    690 €
  • + Neck/Décolleté
    + 70 €
  • + TCA peeling
    + 45 €
  • 4x medical microneedling face
    840 €
  • 4x microneedling with autologous blood
    1480 €
Microneedling Wien

What do you have to consider when microneedling?

Before treatment:

  • No active inflammation in the treated area (e.g. fever blisters). If you are prone to cold sores, we recommend taking medication two days before microneedling.

After treatment:

  • No sport on the day of treatment.

  • No scratching or pressing of the treated skin.

  • No massages or cosmetic treatments on the face for 2 days.

  • Always apply sunscreen with SPF 30 outdoors for 5 days.

  • No steam bath and sauna visits for 1 week.

Any questions? Our FAQ section cannot replace a consultation, but it should give you some initial guidance.

On average, you will need 4-8 microneedling sessions with a break of 3-6 weeks between treatments. Depending on the desired treatment. For example, for the reduction of scars and stretch marks we recommend rather more, about 5-8 treatments. Scar therapy in particular requires a longer and more extensive treatment design.

Depending on the number of microneedling sessions performed, the effect can last from a few months to years. The effect of scar smoothing is even permanent.

Lasers for skin rejuvenation work with a so-called ablative procedure. This means that they damage the skin surface and thus lead to micro-scarring. These scars, usually invisible to your eye, lead to the formation of new collagen type III fibers. In contrast, with microneedling you form above-average collagen type I fibers. This collagen is preferable to the other because type III is found in scar tissue and vessels. Incidentally, type I collagen is also the most common in the body, accounting for 90%.

This depends on the desired treatment – acne scars or skin rejuvenation? Stretch marks or wrinkles? Depending on the treatment, we need to change the depth of the needles. But: Traditional techniques with dermarollers are often more painful than the Dermapen 4™ – despite the same penetration depth. As the fine needles of the Dermaroller penetrate much more slowly than those of the Dermapen 4™, which is used in our institute in Vienna. And beware: treatment with dermarollers on the face is not recommended, as fine scars can occur if used incorrectly. Nowadays, from a medical point of view, only electric pens should be used for facial microneedling.

No, because microneedling activates your skin’s natural self-renewal mechanism. For this purpose, the needle length must be selected correctly. This is because your wound healing cascade will not start if the stitches are too superficial.

Any further questions about microneedling treatment?

Yes, of course – the needles are changed after each treatment. Otherwise it would be very questionable from a hygiene point of view.

During the treatment, highly concentrated active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or vitamins are applied under your skin. The whole thing is done with fine needle stitches. Microneedling with the DermaPen combines both needling and the benefits of mesotherapy. Because through created micro channels we can immediately introduce the appropriate active ingredients into your skin. Without additional trauma. Without stitches.

More questions about microneedling? Simply make a personal consultation appointment online.


Last update: 26.01.2024