Fruit acid peeling Vienna: Sour makes beautiful

The natural power of fruit acid noticeably improves the quality of your skin – for a fresh, even complexion.

  • Give your skin a new glow by eliminating skin impurities

  • Reduce sun-related damage to rejuvenate your skin

  • Give your appearance a freshness boost by stimulating skin regeneration

Mit Fruchtsäurepeeling zu schöner Haut



Intervention duration

15-30 minutes

Visible effect

3-6 months

Recommended treatment



0-1 day

Pain (0-10)


Trees planted

From Head of Cosmetics:

From Head of Cosmetics:

Medically reviewed by:

Medically reviewed by:

The desire for beautiful skin – Peeling as solution?

Imagine being able to restore the freshness of your skin with just a few treatments. All natural – with the power of fruit acid. Sounds tempting? It is. Which is why maybe one or two have already tried it at home. But there’s a problem: home peels are 10-20 times weaker than those used by doctors. Weaker concentration means less effect. But the desire for beautiful skin remains.

Your skin as a protective shield – that leaves traces

It’s hard to believe: your skin loses around 600,000 skin flakes every hour, which are replaced by new cells. And the result is a sallow, flaky complexion. That’s why it’s all the more important to look after your skin regularly. But unfortunately, with increasing age, this is too little. As the outermost barrier, your skin is exposed to many environmental factors over the years: from sunlight to personal lifestyle habits such as diet and stress. Smoking and alcohol in particular leave their mark on your skin. But as you know, there is a solution.

Glatte Haut durch chemisches Peeling

“The medical fruit acid peel at the doctor’s office is 10-20x more effective than the one for at home or at the beautician’s office.”

What skin problems can be improved with a peeling?

In principle, a variety of skin damage that you acquire as you get older is improved. Here you will find a short list:

How does a fruit acid peel work?

To understand why exfoliation can improve a variety of skin problems, let’s take a look at its effects. Exfoliation, depending on its strength, frees you from the top layer of dead skin cells. And the stronger, the deeper and more intense. This works either through a mechanical stimulus, by scrubbing your skin or removing the top flakes of skin, or in our case – through fruit acid. But fruit acid can do something else: it regenerates your skin by stimulating cell renewal and the formation of new collagen. As you can see, highly concentrated fruit acid is a small organic and completely natural anti-ageing miracle cure.

What skin appearance can I expect after a fruit acid peel?


Reduction of pore size for blemished skin to improve your skin texture


Improvement of acne and reduction of fine wrinkles caused by the sun


Reduction of age spots or pigment changes that have occurred after pregnancy or taking the pill

How does a fruit acid peel in Vienna at GoAesthetic work?

  • Arrange appointment

    Simply arrange a consultation online. You can find all possible dates online in our calendar.

  • Face analysis

    We can then use our VISA facial analysis to examine your skin on site to detect premature skin ageing at an early stage.

  • Medical consultation

    We clarify your expectations and treatment wishes. Likewise, we’ll talk about your skin care between peels, which is necessary for better treatment results.

  • Treatment

    After thoroughly cleansing the skin, we applythe appropriate peeling in the right concentration. A few minutes later we neutralize the fruit acid with a special solution. And if it is well tolerated, we can increase the concentration of fruit acid next time. The fruit acid can be increased by up to 70% to improve the appearance of your skin in the best possible way.

  • Arrange repetition appointment

    For optimal results, make an appointment for the next peeling right away.

Retinol & fruit acid peeling costs with Neostrata® at GoAesthetic in Vienna

1 Behandlung
4 Behandlungen
  •   Hautbildverbesserung
  •   Akne
  •   Pigmentflecken (Melasma)
  •   Feine Falten
  •   VISIA Hautanalyse
  •   Neostrata Tagescreme - Sheer Hydration (+ LSF 40)
  •   Neostrata Peeling Pads (für 4 Monate)
  •   Neostrata Nachtcreme - Bionic Face Cream
  •   Neostrata Facial Cleanser (4% PHA)
  •   Hautbildverbesserung
  •   Akne
  •   Pigmentflecken (Melasma)
  •   Feine Falten
  •   VISIA Hautanalyse
  •   Neostrata Tagescreme - Sheer Hydration (+ LSF 40)
  •   Neostrata Peeling Pads (für 4 Monate)
  •   Neostrata Nachtcreme - Bionic Face Cream
  •   Neostrata Facial Cleanser (4% PHA)
  •   Hautbildverbesserung
  •   Akne
  •   Pigmentflecken (Melasma)
  •   Feine Falten
  •   VISIA Hautanalyse
  •   Neostrata Tagescreme - Sheer Hydration (+ LSF 40)
  •   Neostrata Peeling Pads (für 4 Monate)
  •   Neostrata Nachtcreme - Bionic Face Cream
  •   Neostrata Facial Cleanser (4% PHA)
  •   Hautbildverbesserung
  •   Akne
  •   Pigmentflecken (Melasma)
  •   Feine Falten
  •   VISIA Hautanalyse
  •   Neostrata Tagescreme - Sheer Hydration (+ LSF 40)
  •   Neostrata Peeling Pads (für 4 Monate)
  •   Neostrata Nachtcreme - Bionic Face Cream
  •   Neostrata Facial Cleanser (4% PHA)
350für 2 Behandlungen & Hautpflegeprodukte im Wert von 218 €
  •   Hautbildverbesserung
  •   Akne
  •   Pigmentflecken (Melasma)
  •   Feine Falten
  •   VISIA Hautanalyse
  •   Neostrata Tagescreme - Sheer Hydration (+ LSF 40)
  •   Neostrata Peeling Pads (nicht notwendig)
  •   Neostrata Nachtcreme - Bionic Face Cream
  •   Neostrata Facial Cleanser (4% PHA)
780inkl. Gesichtsanalyse & Hautpflegeprodukte im Wert von 319 €
  •   Hautbildverbesserung
  •   Akne
  •   Pigmentflecken (Melasma)
  •   Feine Falten
  •   VISIA Hautanalyse
  •   2x Neostrata Tagescreme - Sheer Hydration (+ LSF 40)
  •   Neostrata Peeling Pads (nicht notwendig)
  •   2x Neostrata Nachtcreme - Bionic Face Cream
  •   Neostrata Facial Cleanser (4% PHA)

1 Treatment

Natürlich schön durch Fruchtsäurepeeling

What do you need to consider when having a fruit acid peeling?

Before treatment:

  • 1 week before
    • No solarium visits
    • No treatment with permanent makeup
  • 6 months before:

    No treatment with isotretinoin (vitamin A acid products).

  • On the day of treatment

    No active inflammation in the treated area (e.g.: fever blisters). If you are prone to fever blisters, we recommend medication prophylaxis two days before the peeling.

After treatment:

  • No sports on the day of treatment.

  • No scratching, peeling or pressing of the treated skin.

  • No massages or cosmetic treatments on the face for 2 days.

  • Avoid strong, direct sun exposure as well as tanning beds for 3-5 days.

  • For 5 days necessarily sunscreen with SPF 50 apply outdoors.

  • No steam bath and sauna visits for 1 week.

  • Repeat the peeling in 2 to 4 weeks.

Any questions? Our FAQ section cannot replace a consultation, but it should give you some initial guidance.

Did you know: already in 1992 the skin peeling by highly concentrated fruit acid was patented. The founding fathers of Neostrata, Dr. Eugene Van Scott and Dr. Ruey Yu, developed the basic dermatological concept back in the 1970s. And Neostrata still exists today – they supply us with our exfoliating products. So you can trust that all peels have been researched and proven for decades. Studies have also proven the effectiveness of highly concentrated peelings in combination with the right home care.

Especially with peeling, pre- and post-treatment is extremely important for the success of the treatment. With the right cream and peelings for at home, you can noticeably improve the appearance of your skin and increase the effect of the individual treatments from time to time.

Glycolic acid belongs to a group of natural substances often referred to as “fruit acids”. And as the name suggests, it is found in various fruits and foods. In the natural state, you can find them in sugar cane juice, for example.

Under medical supervision, the risk of side effects is extremely low. However, the peeling process can cause temporary reddening of the skin. However, these always disappeared again the next day.

In short: mechanical and chemical peels. For example, a mechanical peel is carried out as part of our HydraFacial treatment. On the other hand, we perform fruit acid peels as well as retinol peels with NeoStrata®. However, we do not offer stronger peelings where there are long downtimes associated with greater risks.

More questions about the fruit acid peeling? Simply make a personal consultation appointment online.


Last update: 17.01.2024